One on One Travel Advice

Our team seated in a PMV (Public Motor Vehicle) before headed to our next destination

Our team seated in a PMV (Public Motor Vehicle) before headed to our next destination


Experience in Papua New Guinea

I grew up in the USA, being born in Washington State, and raised in Grand Rapids MI. At the age of 18 I traveled for the first time to Australia and Papua New Guinea and fell in love! My first experience in Papua New Guinea, I trekked from Morobe Province (Menyamya) to the capital of Gulf Province (Kerema); this is a VERY intense trek and it grew my appreciation for the nation and people of Papua New Guinea.

After this trek I began leading teams affiliated with a medical ship to different areas of the country; our goal was to acquire the needs and stats of remote villages and to rely that info to medical teams and the Papuan Government. Now I have trained and led 4 teams through the nation of PNG and made personal trips to secure tourism opportunities with local friends I have been working with for years.

My expertise and tourism contacts are in the Province of Milne Bay, but here is a list of other provinces I have traveled to;

-Black Cat Trail - I spent over a month trekking from inland Morobe Province all the way to the coast and capital of Gulf Province

- Rivers of Gulf Province - I’ve spent 2 weeks in the rivers of Gulf province near the boarder of Western Province, I was the photographer for the medical ship delivering services to remote villages accessible only by uncharted rivers.

-East Coast of Gulf Province - I spent over a month traveling along the coast of Gulf Province just near the border on Central Province

-Kokoda Trail - WW2 Trail that starts in Oro Province and ends in Central Province. I spent 37 days with a team on the trail in the rainy season. In order to do this trek you need to make sure you have authentic tour guides and apply with the Kokoda Track Authority

- Milne Bay North Coast - Spent 2 months trekking the North Coast of Milne Bay

- Central Province - I spent over a month trekking the coast and inland of Rigu Distract Central Province
- Alotau - I have lived in Alotau for a total of 5 months
-Port Morseby - I usually spend at least a week in the capital Port Moresby on each trip

Cost of Services

Phone Call

$90 for a half hour phone call

This price includes the time going over your itinerary and preparing answers for the questions you may have prior to the call

Video Chat
$120 for a half hour video call

This price includes the time going over your itinerary and preparing answers for the questions you may have prior to the call


Travel Consultation Request

To schedule a travel consultation appointment please fill out this form

If you already have plans to visit Papua New Guinea, please include the areas of the country you are planning to visit, or areas you have heard about and would like to visit!